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3.the body will be able to fight invasion by the same type of microbe in the future

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Q: The use of a vaccine to stimulate the immune system to act against a specific pathogen is valuable in maintaining homeostasis because?
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Hormones are essential to maintaining homeostasis mainly because?

they cause specific responses in specific cells.

Why is it good to use a vaccine to stimulate the immune system for homeostatis?

A vaccine stimulates the body to produce antibodies against a specific disease causing pathogen. This makes the body able to fight off that disease.

What are the steps in identifying the pathogen that causes a specific disease?

by certain inflammation caused due to the advent of the pathogen we can analyse the type of pathogen

Why do each pathogen need a specific antibody?

each pathogen has a antigene which the antibodies attach to so each pathogen needs a unique antibodie

Diseases caused by pathogens are called?

N/aA pathogen by definition is a disease causing organism

What does macrophages do?

Macrophages are phagocytes, acting in both non-specific defense as well as to help initiate specific defense mechanisms of vertebrate animals. Their role is to phagocytose (engulf and then digest) cellular debris and pathogens either as stationary or mobile cells, and to stimulate lymphocytes and other immune cells to respond to the pathogen.

What do you get if you wanted to boost your immune response to a specific pathogen?

You'd most likely want to expose yourself to a "dead" version of that pathogen via vaccination.

Whats one specific living organism maintains homeostasis?

Homeostasis is how a physical environment keeps itself stable. One organism that helps maintain homeostasis is the presence of algae.

How do scientist know that a pathogen causes a specific disease?

it causes other diseases

How do you make antibodies for a specific pathogen?

That is the job of the B-cells, or B Lymphocytes.

How does injecting an inactive form of pathogen make a person immune?

the inactive form still has the antigens (protein markers) specific to that pathogen on the surface. the immune system develops specific responses to this pathogen when it is encountered after a vaccination. as it is inactive the person does not suffer the effects of this pathogen, but when an active form is encountered later the immune system is quicker to respond due to the fact that it now recognises those antigens.

What is a pathotype?

A pathotype is a specific subset of a pathogen that has a specific pathogenicity on a specific host. For example, one pathotype of a virus may have no effect on you, but can kill your cat.