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Energy-restricted diets led to lowering of the metabolic rate and body temperature

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Q: Which of the following is a finding from studies of diet restriction in rats?
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Where can I find out about the Dukan diet plan?

The following websites are useful for finding out more about the Dukan Diet plan:, and

Can you takevitamins on the Atkins diet?

Yes! You have to due to the restriction.

What sorts of foods can be consumed while on the cabbage soup diet?

The Cabbage Soup Diet is a restriction diet that promises quick weight loss by following a 7-day diet plan. In addition to eating cabbage soup, dieters are allowed fruit and vegetables and gradually reintroduce meat and grains as the diet progresses.

Are there any websites that can help me find stress eater diet?

The following websites focus on finding solutions for stress eating. They feature book suggestions, recipes, tips, and more!

One who studies the role of diet health?

Nutritionist .

Has a link been shown between diet and depression?

There have been countless studies on the topic of diet and depression. One of the newest studies have been done on the website webMD and can be found at the website

How does diet and vitamins impact the development of cataracts in the elderly?

Recent studies have been conducted to try to determine whether diet or the use of vitamins might have an effect on the formation of cataracts in older people. Some studies find a connection and other studies find none.

What is a diet selector and how does it works?

A diet selector helps individuals determine what diet suits them best. Tips on how to achieve this are here:

It there any scientific evidence between the connection of drinking Diet Coke and weight gain?

Some scientific studies have shown that there is a connection between drinking diet sodas and gaining weight. However, many other studies have shown that there is no correlation. Also, many of the studies that "prove" a correlation are animal studies and have not been continued on humans.

What Diet is Drew Carey following?

No carbs.

Should I be on a fibromyalgia diet?

I have read that there really is not many studies on which diet is best for fibromyalgia. I did find a site that says eating a balanced diet would help. This site has information on the balanced diet