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You want to emphasize the object or receiver of an action.

You don't want to reveal the identity of the performer of the action.

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6mo ago

One reason to use the passive voice in writing is when the doer of the action is unknown or irrelevant. For example, "The car was stolen" does not identify who stole the car, but still communicates the action that took place. Additionally, the passive voice can be used to emphasize the object or receiver of the action, rather than the doer.

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Q: Which of the following is a reason to use the passive voice in writing?
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Can we change 'used to' structure in to passive voice If yes so how If no why not?

Active voice is much better than passive voice in writing.

Do you use active or passive voice in written communication?

Both can be used depending on the subject of communication.In certain situations like Report Writing, Precis Writing, Business writing etc. Passive voice is preferred.In most of the cases the Doer of the action is not mentioned in the Passive Voice.

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Depending with the subject, passive voice makes army writing clear and direct communication.

Why should you generally use the active voice instead of the passive voice in your writing?

Using the active voice makes sentences clearer, more direct, and easier to understand. It also usually creates a more engaging and dynamic writing style.

What is a overuse of passive voice?

An overuse of passive voice changes the feeling of writing. In a sense, it removes the action; it seems that things are happening to the subject instead of the subject doing the action. When you write in passive voice too much, then the writing seems weak. Also, passive voice is a thorn in the side of most English teachers. This link is wonderful for explaining passive voice in detail. Good luck!

Is 'I want my MTV' in passive voice?

No, "I want my MTV" is in the active voice. "MTV is wanted by me" uses the passive voice, but it is very awkward and not something someone would actually say. The following example shows active and passive voice in expressions that are actually used: Active voice: We made mistakes. Passive voice: Mistakes were made.

Which of the following sentences is in a passive voice?

It is important to ensure that all employees attend the training session.

Examples of active voice?

Active voice is when the subject of a sentence is actively doing something, instead of that something being described as simply being done. An example of active voice would be saying that a writer is writing a sentence. Writing in passive voice would be saying that a sentence is being written by the writer.

Which item is not a reason why you should avoid using passive voice?

Using passive voice can make your writing less engaging and clear to the reader. It can also obscure the action or the doer of the action in the sentence. Additionally, passive voice can result in wordy and awkward construction.

Which is a good reason to use passive voice in writing?

you don't know (or don't wish to reveal) the identity of the subject;you want to emphasize the receiver of an action;the performer of the action is not important.

Is passive voice used in thesis writing?

Passive voice can be used in thesis writing, but it is generally recommended to use active voice to make the writing more direct, clear, and engaging for the reader. However, in some cases where the emphasis is on the action or when the subject is unknown, passive voice may be appropriate.

Passive voice of ''what do you do''?

The passive voice of ''what do you do'' is "what is done by you?"