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Human blood types

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Q: Which of the following is an example of multiple allele heredity A seed texture B skin color in frogs C color patterns in andalusian fowl D human blood types?
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Which of the following patterns of heredity can result in an intermediate trait such as a pink snapdragon flowers?

multiple alleles

Who established the patterns of heredity?

Gregory Mendel was the first to established the patterns of heredity

How do scientists predict the patterns of heredity?

Easy. Potatoes.

The universal patterns of the human growth sequence can be attributed to?

The universal patterns of the human growth sequence can be attributed to a combination of genetic factors, environmental influences, and evolutionary processes. These factors interact to shape the typical trajectory of physical, cognitive, and social development that humans experience from infancy to adulthood.

Who was the One of the first people to study patterns of heredity scientifically?

Gregor Mendel

How are patterns of human heredity usually obtained?

Patterns of heredity can be found with Genetics. Heredity can be discovered through the examination of DNA and Genes in the living cells. Karyotyping the chromosomes, tightly packed DNA strands, and find the sets of matching genes through out the family will result in finding similarities and the differences of the DNA. This will allow geneticists to discover the heredity pattern(s) linking to the past of one's family till the present day.

Who is one of the first people to study the patterns of heredity?

Gregor John Mendel was the first person to study about hereditary genetics

What is the study of heredity?

Genetics is the study of heredity. It was largely started by the work of an Austrian monk called Gregor Mendel. His experiments with peas showed that there are predictable patterns in the way traits are inherited. Since then we have uncovered much of the molecular basis of inheritance.

Which best illustrates how Gregor Mendel used creativity that lead to scientific discovery?

He used pea plants to study the patterns of heredity.

Genetics is a branch of biology that studies?

Genetics is a branch of biology that studies how traits are passed down from one generation to the next through genes. It explores the mechanisms of inheritance, genetic variation, and the role of genes in determining an organism's characteristics.

What shaped today's voting patterns?

Multiple causation

Each parent has two of these for a particular gene?

Let me guess.. you have the vocabulary worksheet for chapter 4 patterns of heredity too? The answer: Allele :D