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The organisms on the island are slightly different than those on the mainland.

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Q: Which of the following is most likely true of the organisms within the populations?
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Populations that have clumped population dispersion rely on each other more than organisms that live in populations with uniform or random dispersion. This is because within these population clumps, organisms tend to operate most efficiently as a group, such as hunting in a pack, for example.

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An organisms habitat is where the organism lives; ex ocean, forest, desert etc. The organisms niche is its role within the habitat.

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what is this, your homework? yes and its hard.

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the levels of biological organisation from broadest to smallest are: the biosphere, biomes, ecotones,ecosystems, communities, populations, organisms, organs and organ systems, tissues, cells, organells, and molecules

All the organisms that live together in an area?

Group of one species living together is called population. Group of populations living in an area is called community. Group of populations living in an area plus the environment around them is called ecosystem.

What levels of organization can you see in this illustration?

In this illustration, we can see multiple levels of organization. At the highest level, there is the overall ecosystem or community of organisms depicted. At a lower level, there are individual organisms, such as trees and animals. At an even smaller level, there are populations of organisms, such as a group of birds or a herd of deer. Finally, there are individual cells within the organisms, which make up tissues, organs, and organ systems.