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it spread from the Mediterranean to the north of Europe

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Q: Which of the following is true about the Plague or the Black Death?
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Which of the following statements is true about the spread of the Black Death?

The plague spread from south to north.

Name the plague that ravaged and killed a third of Europe's population in the 14th century?

The Bubonic Plague. However, this wasn't the most devastating to Europeans in the 14th century. The Bubonic Plague spawned a new disease, the Black Death, which was the true killer.

Was it true that the bubonic plague killed 1 in 3 people?

In Europe, true. The "Black Death" killed about 30% of the population.

What was the name of the plague came from china and spread across Europe?

The Bubonic Plague. However, this wasn't the most devastating to Europeans in the 14th century. The Bubonic Plague spawned a new disease, the Black Death, which was the true killer.

What kind of epidemic struck Europe during World War 1?

The Black Death. Otherwise known as the Bubonic Plague, or Oimmeddam, this plague killed anywhere from 25-200 million people in Europe.

Why is blackheath called blackheath?

It is called blackheath because all the people that died from the plague or black death were buried under there. Some people say that if you dig up blackheath the plague will come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I don't think that's true but you could give it a try!)

Some Europeans believed that the what was sent by God to punish them for their sins?

Black. Plague

Do skeletal muscles continue to contract following death?

The Answer is TRUE, skeletal muscles continue to contract following death.

The years after the fall of the Western Roman Empire are known as the Middle Ages?

After the Medieval Period, the Renaissance began. Towards the end of the Medieval Period, the plague (or black death), struck Europe killing 1/3 of the population. After the plague struck, and so many people died, many people began wondering what life was all about. Thus, the Renaissance (a rebirth of art and literature), began.

What is the true color of death?

the true color of death is White, but most people perfer black because it's dark and twisted. or if Robert Jordan is to be believed "Trust is the colour of Death"

How did neferiti die?

no one knows for sure how Nefertiti died she got killed by something called the plague but is called these days "The black death" (bubonic plague.) Actually it hasn't been proven how she died and that she could have died from natural causes. So basically no scientific proof is out there about this topic, due to the fact no one has found her corpse. The cause of Queen Nefertiti's death is not certain because her body has not been found.

Who was blamed for the Black Death?

people blamed jews, foreigners and beggars. They also blamed god and church for this.