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It builds interest.

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Q: Which of the following is true of tension in a work of fiction?
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What is true of tension in a work of fiction?

It builds interest.

The process of building tension in a work of fiction is mostly a matter of controlling the?

The process of building tension in a work of fiction is mostly a matter of controlling the flow of information.

Which of the following best describes the possible relationship between foreshadowing and a mood of suspense in a work of fiction?

Foreshadowing can build tension and create a suspenseful mood.

Is Black Beauty fiction or non-fiction?

Anna Sewell's book is a work of fiction .

The process of building tension in a work fiction is mostly a matter of controlling the?

Controlling of the information flow is the method to create tension in fiction works. It is also the referential tracking of information of speakers.

Is the book The Foxman a true story?

Gary Paulsen's The Foxman is a work of realistic fiction, and as a work of fiction, is not a true story and never happened.

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The process of building tension in a work of fiction is mostly a matter of controlling the what?

The process of building tension in a work of fiction is mostly a matter of controlling the pacing, suspense, and conflict. These elements work together to create a sense of anticipation and unease, driving the reader to stay engaged and curious about what will happen next in the story. By skillfully manipulating these factors, authors can effectively build and sustain tension throughout their narrative.

Is paranormal entity true?

No, it is a work of fiction.

What movie is true lies based on?

True Lies (1994) is a work of fiction.

What do you call a story that is not true?

Fiction. A work of fiction is created in the imagination of its author.

What is the difference from a novel and a book?

A novel is a work of fiction. It is a book but it is not true. A book can be a novel or a work of non-fiction or poetry or other things.