

Best Answer

Lung structures include:

  1. A apex
  2. B base
  3. F bronchi
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Q: Which of the following structures are regions of the lungs Choose all that apply A apex B base C hilum D Eustachian tubes E pharynx F bronchi?
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What structures does air pass through as it travels to the lungs?

The nose, pharynx, trachea, and bronchi.

Are eustachian pharynx and bronchi all regions of the lungs?

The eustachian tube is a small tube that runs from the pharynx to the ear and deals with equalizing pressure on the ear drum. The pharynx actually has three different parts: the oropharynx, the nasopharynx, and the laryngopharynx. Technically, all three parts are used in the respiratory system, though they are not physically connected to the lungs. The bronchi, however, are connected to the lungs. They connect the trachea to the two lungs.

Which of the following is not a component of the lungs bronchi or alveoli or pharynx?


Does the eustachian tube connect to the pharynx?

Yes. The eustachian canal connects to the nasopharynx.

Where do the eustachian tubes join the pharynx?


Where do the Eustachian tubes lead in a frog?

Eustachian tubes lead to the eardrum. The name for the throat of the from is the gullet.

What respiratory structure communicate with the middle ear by the eustachian tube?


What two body parts are connected by the eustachian tube?

the eustachian tube connects the pharynx to the middle ear

Where do the frog's eustachian tubes lead?

Pharynx and inner ear

What structures do the respiratory and digestive tracts share?

The digestive and respiratory systems share the mouth and the pharynx. The respiratory system also includes the glottis, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli.Buccal cavity? Pharynx?pharynxThe Larynx

What is the tube from the pharynx to the bronchi?

the trachea (windpipe)

Eustachian tube drains into what structure?

The eustachian tube connects the throat to the inner ear and equalises the inner and outer ear pressure. It is this which causes the pop! when you fly in an aircraft and you swallow. The pop is the eustachian tube clearing.