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The moon and to some extend the sun

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Q: Which of the heavenly bodies causes the tides in the ocean?
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Which heavenly bodies are involved in causing the Earth's tides?

the earth, moon, and sun

What causes the Arctic Ocean to have tides?

The Sun and the moon

What causes the tides in the sea?

sea tides are caused due to gravitational pull from sun and moon also caused due to sea is the lowest level in the earth which is low in radius of the earth as the radius of heavenly bodies increases the force of attraction also increases.;

What causes tides in the ocean?

The tides are caused by the moon's gravity. Other large bodies of water could be there for many reasons. 1 example is continental drift, as the continents move around bodies of water can get separated from the oceans.

What causes the tides in the oceans and other large bodies of water on earth?

the moon

The force that causes the ocean tides is?

Gravity from the moon, control's the ocean ( river,streams, lakes, etc) tides.

What causes ocean tides to rise and fall?

The gravitational pull of the moon.

How do other heavenly bodies affect your planet?

The sun effects the Earth because of the particles that get thrown out into space can interact with the Earths atmosphere and effect it. The moon has a gravitational effect on Earth and so makes the tides in the ocean happen. There are many other reasons!

The periodic daily rise and fall of ocean water?

The cyclical rise or fall of the waters of the ocean is called tide. The tides are caused by the attraction of gravities of the moon, sun, and Earth

What are the different heavenly bodies involves in tides?

The gravitational pull of the moon and the sun creates tides on the earth. While tides are most commonly associated with oceans and large bodies of water, gravity creates tides in the atmosphere and even the lithosphere. The atmospheric tidal bulge extends far into space but the tidal bulge of the lithosphere is limited to approximately 12 inches twice a day.

What benefits do you receive from the moon?

The benefit is that the moon causes the ocean tides, high and low.

What is the force that is responsible for tides?

The moon's gravitational force is what causes the ocean tides to change. How Stuff Works has a great diagram and explanation of how this happens.