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Q: Which of the life cycles is typical for most fungi and some protists?
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How do fungus-like protists differ from fungi?

first im not good at science so get it straight im tryna find out what it is myself

What is the 5 kingdoms of life?

There are 6: Protists, Fungi, Plants, Animals, Bacteria, and Archaea

What are the 6 kingdoms of life science?

Animals, plants, archaebacteria, eubacteria, fungi, protists

The five kingdoms of life?

The 5 Kingdoms are: Fungi, Plants, Animals, Prokaryotes and Protoctistans.

Why are fungus like protists not members of the kingdom fungi?

plants contain cellulose in their cell wall while fungi contains chitin as a major component of its cell wall.Besides fungi are absorptive heterotrophs while plants are photosynthetic autotrophs.fungi lacks centrioles and contains chitin in its cell wall(as described earlier) but certain protists have centrioles and produce cellulose in their cell wall.some protists also contain some pigments like Chl.a Chl.b caroteins etc while fungi does not.Due to these reasons Fungi has separate kingdom.

How many Kingdoms of life are there?

5 that I know of. Animal (animalia), Plant (plantae), Fungi, Protists and Monera

Why are fungi thought to be more closely related to protists instead of plants?

Fungi are not plants mainly because they are heterotrophic and lack the capacity to perform photosynthesis. Fungi are more closely related to animals than plants and most protists. (The term protist has no phylogenetic meaning anymore. That is, "protists" are not all related to one another. There are some prostists that group with fungi in the most recent eukaryotic tree of life. However, more research needs to be done to discover the synapomorphies, or shared, derived traits, between fungi and these protists.) They are more similar to protists in that many protists are also heterotrophic. However, most protists use the DAP pathway to synthesize lysine while fungi use the AAA pathway. Protists use a variety of compounds to store energy. Plants use starch and starch-like compounds. Fungi and animals use glycogen. The cisternae of the mitochondria of many protists are tubular, while animals and fungi have plate-like cisternae.

What are the kingdoms of life?

Moneran, Protista, fungi, animalia, plantae are the five kingdoms

What are the Major kindoms of life on planet earth?

There are two answers to this question, depending on where you study. In the United States, a six-kingdom system is taught: animals, plants, fungi, protists, archaebacteria, and eubacteria. In Britain, Australia, or Latin America, a five-kingdom system is used: animals, plants, fungi, protists, and prokaryotes.

How do funguslike protists differ from true fungi?

Fungi are separated from the protists based on their plate-like cristae in the mitochondria, the possession of a single, posterior, whiplash flagellum (in some forms), synthesis of lysine by the AAA pathway, the use of glycogen as a storage compound, and the presence of the Spitzenkorper in actively growing hyphae.

What are the names of the domains of life?

Archaea (archibacteria), Bacteria, Eucaryota (Eucariotes). The latter include plants, animals, fungi, and protists.Archaea (archibacteria), Bacteria, Eucaryota (Eucariotes). The latter include plants, animals, fungi, and protists.Archaea (archibacteria), Bacteria, Eucaryota (Eucariotes). The latter include plants, animals, fungi, and protists.Archaea (archibacteria), Bacteria, Eucaryota (Eucariotes). The latter include plants, animals, fungi, and protists.

What are the 5 kingdoms called?

Life on earth is classified into six kingdoms: Animals (Animalia) Plants (Plantae), Fungi, Protists (protista), Bacteria, and Archaebacteria (Archae). The last two are referred to as domains instead of kingdoms. Bacteria and Archaebacteria were once classified as Monerans (Monera or Prokaryota) but has been obsolete since 1991.