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Q: Which of the methods of metal extraction is the most expensive and the most difficult?
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What problems are caused when extracting metals from their ores by displacement?

Using Electrolysis: is the most powerful extraction method. But it takes a lot of electricity and that makes it expensive. Hence, electrolysis is only used for the most reactive metals.The method of extracting metal from its ore depends upon how reactive the metal is. The more ractive the metal, the more difficult and expensive it is to seperate from its ore.

Is PVC pipes better than metal ones?

PVC pipes are less expensive and easier to repair. Metal pipes are more expensive and more difficult to repair.

How do you make a pure sample of tantalum?

Tantalum is refined by chemical processing. Current methods provide for the floridation of the metal and the recovery of its pure form by liquid-liquid extraction (solvent extraction and partitioning). Got links if you want them.

What metal is extracted from ore?

all metal extraction is done from ores

Which type of principals are involved in extraction of the element?

Extraction of pure metal from ores. That's all on my side.

Is gold expensive metal?

Yes, gold is an expensive metal.

Any chance of decrease gold rate?

As the demand for this metal goes up there is no margin of chance for Gold prices to come down. The mining and extraction of gold is very expensive. It needs a lot money.

Is extraction of metal is thermodynamically stable?

The answer to this is , No! The extraction of metal usually requires the appliction of heat to separate the metal from it's matrix, the stuff mixed with the metal. This is called "Smelting". Each metal melts at a different temperature. Some of these temperatures are very high, so great care must be taken in this process.

What mesh particle size for chelex 100 is best for DNA extraction?

The 200-400 mesh size is best for DNA extraction. The smaller sizes are usually used for metal ion extraction.

What is the most costly method of extraction needed to produce very reactive metals?

electrolysis is the costly method other methods are: heating with carbon (in the form of coke) heating with a more reactive metal (active metal) reduction with hydrogen gas For more information on the topic, see the attached link.

What type of chemical reaction is always involved in the extraction of metal from its ore?


What is an archaeometallurgist?

An archaeometallurgist is a scientist who is an expert in archaeometallurgy - the prehistory of metal extraction and working.