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Q: Which of the muscles listed does not aid ventilation 1 abdominal 2 pleural 3 accessory 4 respiratory?
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What does the respiratory excursion test indicate?

Use of accessory muscles on inspiration (e.g., in patients with COPD, asthma, thoracic scoliosis, and ankylosing spondylitis).

Which muscle are located between the ribs and help move the rib cage during breathing?

Muscles of Respiration: The main muscles of respiration are the Diaphragm, which forms the partition of the chest from the abdomen, and the abdominal muscles. Accessory muscles will also take part in helping with respiration during respiratory distress after severe exercise, respiratory obstruction, heart failure. The accessory muscles are, sternocleidomastoid, platysma, and the strap muscles of the neck.

Which muscle would be most helpful for forceful expiration?

abdominal muscles

What is the difference between abdominal muscles and intestinal muscles?

I'm no expert but one difference is your external abdominal muscles are voluntary and intestinal muscles are involuntary.

What is the normal respiratory rate for an adult and what will be the first sign of respiratory distress?

The average breathing for an adult is 12 to 20 breaths per minute. The act of breathing consists of two phases, inspiration and expiration.Early signs of respiratory distress include:- increased respiratory rate- flaring of the nostrils- use of accessory muscles of respiration

What is an abdominal wall?

An abdominal wall is the layer of muscles which surrounds the abdominal cavity and contains the abdominal organs.

What causes loose abdominal muscles?

The causes of loose abdominal muscles include extreme weight loss and pregnancy.

Use of accessory muscles in emphysema?

The accessory muscles of respiration are the sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, serratus anterior, pectoralis major and minor, upper trapezius, latissimus dorsi, erector spinae (thoracic), iliocostalis lumborum, quadratus lumborum, serratus posterior superior and inferior, levatores costarum, transversus thoracis, and subclavius. The diaphragm is the main muscle of respiration (normal/relaxed breathing), assisted by the intercostals. No accessory muscles should be recruited during normal respiration unless there is a respiratory disorder. During quiet inspiration, the diaphragm and intercostals are activated. During quiet expiration, the inspiratory muscles relax and the elastic recoil of the lung tissue combined with intrathoracic pressure causes air to be pushed out of the lungs. There is little or no respiratory activity of the abdominals. When increased oxygen is required during physical activity e.g. when running, accessory muscles will activate to assist forced respiration.

Do you get muscles from doing sit ups?

Yes, you get abdominal muscles.

Can you give me a sentence with the word abdominal?

I need to work on my abdominal muscles.

What are the muscles in your abdominal cavity?

There are the abdominal muscles and the oblique's. They help to keep you standing straight and when working properly, your back healthy.

What forms the third layer of the abdominal wall muscles?

Transversus Abdominis muscle. It's located deep to the External Abdominal Oblique and Internal Abdominal Oblique muscles.