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Q: Which of the solar energy absorbed by earth is radiated back into space as which type of radiation?
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Solar radiation that is not reflected by Earth's systems is absorbed This absorbed energy is then reradiates as what into space?

This absorbed energy is then re-radiated as heat

Do the sunbeams absorbed by the earth get radiated as a different kind of radiation?

They mostly get radiated out as Infra-red (Heat) and microwave radiation

What does the earth do with the radiation that reaches us?

Part of the radiation is immediately radiated back into space. The remainder is absorbed; most of what is absorbed will be radiated back into space soon (as the materials heat up, they radiate out more infrared radiation).

Most of the solar radiation absorbed by Earth's surface is later radiated back into space as which type of electromagnetic radiation?

Thermal IR radiation.

How do the wavelengths of electromagnetic energy absorbed by materials on Earth compare to the wavelengths radiated by materials on earth?


How is energy transferred within the earth's atmosphere and throughtout the oceans?

Radiation is the only way i came up with. :/

What happens to incoming solar radiation after it is reflected off the surface of the earth?

The wavelength is longer. Energy is re-radiated by the Earth as infrared radiation (heat).

Is energy absorbed or reflected by earth?

The solar energy that reaches the Earth is called insolation.Of the incoming solar radiation 16% is absorbed by the earth's atmosphere, 3%is absorbed by clouds and 51%is absorbed by the earth's surface, making a total of 70%.

When the solar energy reaches the earth where does it go?

Some gets absorbed and converted into other energy forms. Most of the energy will eventually get radiated back into space.

What is the balance between incoming solar energy and outgoing energy radiated into space called?

According to scientists, the balance between incoming solar energy and outgoing energy radiated into space is considered the earth energy budget.

The suns energy is a form of what type of energy-?

The size of the sun determines its temperature and the amount of energy radiated. Electromagnetic energy from the sun comes to Earth in the form of radiation.

How does heat from the Sun travel through the vacuum of space to the Earth?

The Sun's energy is transmitted by electromagnetic radiation, with most of the heat caused by ultraviolet radiation striking the Earth's surface. This heat is re-radiated by infrared radiation.