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The question refers to "these compounds". In such circumstances would it be too much to expect that you make sure that there is a list of compounds that "these" may refers to? I regret that we, at the Answers community, have not yet mastered the ability to read your mind!

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Q: Which of these compounds are a source of nitrogen for animals?
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Is lighting a source of nitrogen compounds?

No it is not a sourse.But it fixes nitrogen

What is the source of nitrogen for animals?

Animals get nitrogen from plants.

Is carbon dioxide a source of nitrogen compounds?

No, carbon dioxide is not a source of nitrogen or any nitrogen related compounds, because it consists of only (2 atoms of) Oxygen and (1 atom of) Carbon.

What is largest source of nitrogen?

Nitrogen is the most abundant element in the Earth's atmosphere. Bacteria in the soil 'fix' the nitrogen gas into compounds which can be taken in by plants; the plants get eaten by animals & they use the nitrogen to make proteins.

Where does plants get nitrogen?

when animals eat plants,they get nitrogen compounds that their bodies need.plants do not make these nitrogen compounds. so from where do plants get their nitrogen compounds/ from the air

How do plants get nitrogen compared to how animals get nitrogen?

Most plants get nitrogen from fertilizers. Some plants can have a process called nitrogen fixing in which nitrogen from the is turned into ammonium compounds. Animals get their nitrogen from food, by eating plants and other animals.

Why do animals need nitrigen to live?

Animals and plants need nitrogen to live because proteins and other biological compounds contain nitrogen. In plants, nitrogen compounds perform photosynthesis. In humans, nitrogen is the basis for amino acids, the building blocks of genetic material.

Why do animals not obtain nitrogen from the air?

Nitrogen gas is fairly inert and so is difficult for organisms to process. Instead, animals must get usable nitrogen compounds from their food.

Do animals take in nitrogen directly from the atmosphere?

Since 78.08% of the Earth's atmosphere is composed of nitrogen, yes. But it cannot be used in biological processes. The nitrogen animals use comes in the form of nitrogen compounds acquired from food. Ultimately, the nitrogen used by most living things is produced by nitrogen-fixing bacteria which do use nitrogen from the atmosphere, these compounds are then taken in and used by plants.

How do plants and animals differ in the ways they obtain nitrogen?

Plants get it from bacteria which live associated with their roots who take atmospheric nitrogen and fixate it (nitrogen cycle). Animals can only get it by ingesting organic compounds which contain nitrogen, such as plants and other animals which have eaten plants.

Nitrogen fixation is carried out primarly by?

Nitrogen Fixation Bacteria are the primary source in which Nitrogen Fixation is carried out. The bacteria changes N2 (unreactive element) into nitrogen compounds, which are soluble and can be absorbed.

Is lightning a source of nitrogen compounds?

yes because it contains very powerful substances such as NH3