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the cheetah

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Q: Which of these is a carnivorous feline piranha hyena buzzard cheetah?
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Which of these is a carnivorous feline a Hyena or a cheetah?

the cheetah

Is a Piranha a carnivorous feline?

No. First off, felines are all the different cat species. Piranhas are fish. Second, there are several types of Piranhas. And only some are carnivores.

To what group of animals does the cheetah belong to and why?


Is chita a felin or a canin?

A cheetah is a feline

Why is the cheetah in the animalia kingdom?

The Two Kingdoms are Plantae and Animalia Since the cheetah is not a plant, and is an animal, it belongs in the Kingdom Animalia.

What are the characteristic of a cheetah?

only feline without fully retractable claws and the fastes animal on land.

What does a wild cheetah eat?

Small to medium deer and antelopes, mainly.

Does a cheetah have something special?

Yes, they the fastest land animal and have spots on their feline coat. They can run at speeds of 72 mph.

How does a cheetah compare to a animal?

A cheetah is a large feline animal, (a cat) they are one of the few animals that hunt by sight rather than by scent and the y like to chase their prey,rather than sneak up on it.

How would you describe a cheetah?

A large-sized feline with short tan-coloured fur and black spots. It can go from 112 to 120 km/h

What are cheetahs big cats or dogs?

A cheatah is actually a member of the cat family but I mean if you think about how violent they are and how they kill allmost everything in sight I think they might be more like a dog!!

Is a cheetah the same as a leopard?

A cheetah, as it is the fastest land animal.