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Q: Which of these is found in the side of a DNA molecule and not on the rugs?
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How are the rungs of the DNA ladder broken as the DNA molecule unzips?

The rugs of DNA are Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine. When DNA replication occurs and the ladder has to be broken, an enzyme called "helicase" starts at the replication fork and unwinds the DNA ladder. Helicase breaks the rugs of DNA.

What make up the rugs of the DNA molecule?

two nitrogenous bases linked together in the middle

What can be found on the side parts of the ladder-like DNA molecule?

The Nucleotides form the ladder rungs.

Who found the DNA molecule?

it was ...............

What part of DNA is found at the centre of the molecule?

phosphate molecule

What molecule is nitrogen found in?

Nitrogen is found in a number of molecules but perhaps most famously it is found in the DNA molecule.

What type of molecules are found in DNA?

DNA is a molecule. There are also a bunch of proteins/molecules called histones that organise the DNA molecule into a condensed state.

Is DNA hydrophilic molecule?

Dna has a hydrophilic and hydrophobic side, also you have to remember that DNA is a polar molecule

Who found the shape of the DNA molecule?

Watson and Crick

What is found in the sides of a DNA molecule and not on the rungs?


On what molecule is the genetic code of the cell found?

Genetic code of the cell is found in a long molecule known as DNA.

How does a DNA molecule make a cop of itself?

the DNA molecule split down the middle,where the bases meet. The bases on each side of the molecule are used as a pattern for a new strand.