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nitric oxide

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Q: Which of these is not a component of saliva?
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Why does carbohydrate digestion begin in mouth?

Because saliva contains an enzyme (amalyse) which breaks down carbohydrates into their component sugars.

Does saliva contain iodine?

Yes, saliva contains chloride. Saliva contains enzymes, water, and NaCl.Cl gets into your saliva by diffusing out of Cl ion channel from the cell and into the lumen. Cl gets into the cell by 2ndary transport, a Na+/Ka+/2Cl- pump (electrically neutral). Cl is going up its concn gradient, while Na is going down its concn gradient. The negative charge on the Cl- attracts the postively charged Na+, and the Na+ diffuses between cells into the lumen.

Does a dog or a human have more saliva?

It does seem that dogs do, doesn't it? While I don't know for sure, I can say that the cooling systems for dogs use saliva as a major component. Dogs can't cool themselves through their skin as we do; they cool themselves by allowing saliva to evaporate off their tongues. A skill that dogs have perfected.

Where would you find your saliva?

You will find saliva in your mouth as you have saliva glads there.

What type of moisture could interfere with a dental procedure?


Is Saliva matter or not?

Saliva is matter.

Why saliva secretes more?


When you chew what is squirted into your mouth?

saliva squrited in your mouth when you chew.

Body fluid present in the mouth?

Slavia? Sip? Am I correct? Yes, I am :D

Is saliva a mixture?

Yes, saliva is a mixture.

What is the color of saliva?

Healthy saliva is clear.

What nutrient is absorbed into your saliva?

Your saliva does not absorb nutrients. Your saliva breaks down starch into glucose.