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I think its shell or feet

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Q: Which of these is the best reason that an adult turtle has few predator?
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What is the best name for a turtle?

Halo is the best name for a turtle

How do you tell how old a sea turtle?

There is no way to tell how old a sea turtle is or even how long they live. The best estimate is that they can be up to eighty years old when they die. There are no rings or lines on a turtle shell that increase with age to tell how old the turtle is. A typical sea turtle reaches breeding age around 25-30 (for loggerheads). After a turtle does become an adult, it is anyone's guess how old it is.

How good can a turtle smell?

Yes - they have quite a good sense of smell.

What is the best name to give a turtle?

I thought a good name for a turtle is shelly!.

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What is the best sniper?

OpTic Predator with an Intervertion.

What is the best alien in alien vs predator?

queen alien is the best

What species of turtle is best to buy?

the "red eared slider turtle" would be the best one because they can live up to 50 years!

How do you use predator in a complete sentence?

As the predator was extremely hungry, it tried its best to catch some rabbits. In this sentence, the 'predator' can be anything: a wolf, tiger, bear,... :)

Will a turtle eat a fish if they were best friends since they were babies?

Animals do not make friendships as we do. The turtle would eat the fish if it was a carnivorous turtle.

Is the Snow Leopard a predator prey parasite or a host?

The best answer would be a predator, but it could also be considered a host.