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Q: Which of these is used to determine property taxes and represent 1.00 for every thousand dollar of property value?
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What is used to determine property taxes and represents 1.00 for every thousand dollar of property value?


Which of these is used to determine property taxes and represents 1.00 for every thousand dollar of propert value?


Which of these is used to determine property taxes and represents 1.00 for every thousand dollars of property value?

Millage rate or mills per dollar rate. In the United States some states require a property tax rate expressed in mills (rate per one thousand dollars of property value) while others require a property tax rate expressed as a rate per one hundred dollars of property value.

What is a fee levid on property ai one-thousand of a dollar of one-tenth of a cent?


When referring to dollar figures when do you use the K and the M?

Use "K" to represent thousand, and "M" to represent million in dollar figures. For example, $5K means $5,000, while $5M means $5,000,000.

What is six percent of a million dollar JAMAICAN?

Sixty thousand dollar JAMICAN.Sixty thousand dollar JAMICAN.Sixty thousand dollar JAMICAN.Sixty thousand dollar JAMICAN.

Who is on the fifty thousand dollar bill?

There has never been a fifty thousand dollar bill. A ten thousand dollar bill with Salmon P. Chase on it was the highest.

What president was on the one thousand dollar bill?

The President who was on the thousand dollar bill was Grover Cleveland. The President on the five thousand dollar bill was James Madison.

Why do we have the dollar sign?

so we have something to represent the dollar

What are the penalties for taking fixtures from a foreclosed property?

the charge is usually a misdeaminor unless you take a thousand dollar chandelier, but who would leave such a thing in a house anyway?

How many 100 dollar bills in fifty thousand?

There are 500 - 100 dollar bills in fifty thousand.

Is there a ten thousand dollar bill and five thousand dollar bill with the same serial number?

No you Ding-dong!