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Red Blood Cells contains hemoglobin and carries oxygen to all cells....

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Q: Which of these items contains hemoglobin which carries oxygen to all cells and removes carbon dioxide?
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What item contains hemoglobin which carries oxygen to all cells and removes carbon dioxide?

Red blood cells

What carries oxygen to all cells and removes carbon dioxide?


What process carries oxygen to and carbon dioxide away from cells?

Respiration is the process that carries oxygen to the cells and removes carbon dioxide from them. Blood carries the oxygen to the cells.

Which body part transport oxygen removes waste materials and carries nutrients to the body as part of the circulatory system?

The circulatory system does all this but the blood and plasma are the "part" that you are talking about. The hemoglobin carries the oxygen and some of the waste gas called carbon dioxide but the plasma carries the rest. The plasma is the liquid part of the blood.

What sytem removes carbon dioxide from the blood?

hemoglobin removes oxygen from the blood because of certain binding affinity on the 4 quadrants of this protein. The hemoglobin makes it way through your circulatory system where it diffuses into the lungs and out of your mouth during exhalation.

Function of the central nervous system?

It carries oxygen to the cells and removes carbon dioxide from the body

What is the importance of haemoglobin in the blood cells?

Haemoglobin carries oxygen around the body, and removes carbon dioxide.

Which body part transports oxygen removes waste materials and carries nutrients to the body as part of the circulatory system?

The circulatory system does all this but the blood and plasma are the "part" that you are talking about. The hemoglobin carries the oxygen and some of the waste gas called carbon dioxide but the plasma carries the rest. The plasma is the liquid part of the blood.

What carries blank to all the body cells and removes blank?

Carries waste products of cell activity to the kidneys to be removed.

Why is the hemoglobin needed?

Hemoglobin in the blood is what transports oxygen from the lungs or gills to the rest of the body (i.e. the tissues) where it releases the oxygen for cell use. it alo removes carbon dioxide from the system.

How does a sponge take in oxygen and let out carbon dioxide?

Sponges do not have specialized respiratory organs, so they rely on simple diffusion to exchange gases with their environment. Oxygen diffuses into their cells from the surrounding water, while carbon dioxide diffuses out. This process occurs through the sponge's surface, where gas exchange takes place.

How many gases which removes CO2?

There are several gases that can remove CO2, such as carbon capture and storage technologies that involve using solvents like amines or physical adsorbents like zeolites. Other gases, such as methane or hydrogen, can also be used in chemical reactions to convert CO2 into useful products, like synthetic fuels.