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moving ocean water carries food and oxygen through the sponges pores and the sponge removes food and oxygen form the water and at the same time carbon dioxide is released

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Q: How does a sponge take in oxygen and let out carbon dioxide?
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How do water plants release oxygen and take in carbon dioxide?

They take away the oxygen and take in take in the carbon dioxide

What is the name of the process that will take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen?

oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle

What is the oxygen carbon dioxide cycle?

The carbon dioxide-oxygen cycle is the cycle in which living things (such as plants and animals) take in "oxygen" and let out "carbon dioxide."

Can you reuse oxygen?

Yes we breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.

What do plants use that consumers breathe out?

We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Plants take in this carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which we use after that.

What happens in the carbon dioxide oxygen cycle?

it is when we breath out carbon dioxide and plants absorb it and use it to make food then we get oxygen and give out carbon dioxide that is how it goes

How do plants and animals mantain the level of oxygen in the atmosphere?

Animals breathe in oxygen and let out carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

What is the gas exchange between humans and plants?

Plants take in Carbon Dioxide and expel Oxygen as a by-product of cellular respiration. Animals take in Oxygen and expel Carbon Dioxide as a by-product of cellular respiration.

Is eucalyptus leaf take oxygen or carbon dioxide?

All plants inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.

Why could you say that the carbon dioxide and oxygen cycle is balance?

because you take in oxygen and let out carbon dioxide

Why could you say that the oxygen carbon dioxide cycle is balance?

because you take in oxygen and let out carbon dioxide

What do your lung take out of your blood?

The lung takes carbon dioxide out of your blood and replaces it with oxygen.