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All trees, plants, flowers and blades of grass take in carbon dioxide, store the carbon and release the oxygen.

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Q: What trees breathe in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen?
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Can you reuse oxygen?

Yes we breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.

What Gas do you breathe?

We Breathe in a mixture of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen, and exhale Carbon Dioxide

What is it called when you breathe in to get oxygen and breathee out to release carbon dioxide?

When you breathe in you inhale and when you breathe out you exhale

How carbon dioxide and oxygen cycle in your body?

We breathe in oxygen which is supplied from plants and we exhale carbon dioxide which then plants take in for energy

What do you inhale when breathing?

Oxygen gas (when we exhale, we breathe out carbon dioxide).

When you inhale you breathe out the waste gas?

when you inhale you breath oxygen when you exhale carbon dioxide

What mammals breathe?

Mammals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, as do all animals.

What gas do humans need to breathe in order to live?

Oxygen we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide

How can you breathe out more CO2?

Yes. You exhale carbon dioxide and oxygen. You breathe out normal air although the cabon dioxide level is greater and there is less oxygen.

Do cows breath out oxygen?

Yes, but in the form of carbon dioxide, with contains two atoms of oxygen and one of carbon. Cows don't breathe out the pure form of oxygen; they breathe in oxygen as well as nitrogen from the atmosphere.

What is the gas in a balloon that a human blows up?

well since we breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, it would have to be carbon Dioxide

Do tree need carbindioxsi?

Yes, trees need Carbon Dioxide. They breathe it in and exhale Oxygen for us to breathe.