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While salamanders and frogs do live in water, they don't only live in water. So your answer is a Sponge.

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Q: Which of these organisms lives only in water salamander sponge frog worm?
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its an aquatic salamander (salamander that lives in water)

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a sponge that lives under water

What are Uses of sponge in the sea?

a sponge that lives in the sea

Does a red finger sponge live in cold or warm water?

A red finger sponge lives in warm water

Where does a blue spotted salamander live?

yes it lives by and in the water and they are so cute

How does a sponge obtain food?

they eat tiny organic organisms floating in the water,also by the special cells that are inside the sponge.

What is mode of nutrition in sponges?

Sponges are porous and sea water flows in and out of sponges. The sea water carry all sorts of nutrients, like algae, bacteria and smaller organisms, which are trapped within the sponge by minute hair-like cilia. This is what gives the sponge energy. The sponge is made of uni-cellular organisms but these cannot survive alone. The sponge is a colony of these unicellular organisms and survives as one.

What are some characteristics of the sponge?

1.lives in the water is one celled

Where does a Marine Sponge live?

Marine means water and a sponge is one of those odd little creatures you never see. The marine sponge lives in most seas.

How are snakes different from salamanders?

a salamander is a amphibian and lives part of it's life in the water, but a snake is a reptile and has scales.

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Is a sponge alive?

No, a sponge is not considered alive in the biological sense because it lacks organs, tissues, and a nervous system. Sponges are simple multicellular organisms that rely on filtering water to obtain nutrients and oxygen.