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Q: Which of these physical environments encouraged the development of the first civilizations?
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What physical environments encouraged the development first civilizations?


Which of these physical environments encouraged the development of the development of the first civilization?


Which of these physical enviorments encouraged the development of the first civilizations?


What physical environments encourage the development of the first civilization?


What is culture made of?

Physical features of Earth such as plants and landforms encouraged the development of cultures.

What was the most important physical map feature for early civilizations?

River valleys were the most important physical map feature for early civilizations because they provided access to water for drinking, irrigation, and transportation. Rivers like the Nile, Tigris, and Euphrates were essential for the development of agriculture and trade, leading to the growth of early civilizations.

How many types of envorinments?

The three main types of environments are physical, biotic and cultural or social. Physical environments are natural and a-biotic environments. Biotic environments are organic and biological environments. Social or cultural environments involve the life style of humans.

How do physical and social environments differ?

Physical environments refer to the natural or built elements of a place, while social environments include the interactions and relationships within a community. Physical environments focus on the physical attributes of a location, such as geography or architecture, whereas social environments consider factors like culture, norms, and social interactions among individuals inhabiting a space.

What is the physical fitness and growth and development?

physical fitness growth and development

What is Waterfall in software requirements?

The waterfall development model has its origins in the manufacturing and construction industries, highly structured physical environments in which after-the-fact changes are prohibitively costly, if not impossible. Since no formal software development methodologies existed at the time, this hardware-oriented model was simply adapted for software development.

What type of environments can Models be used to describe?

Models can be use to describe many different environments. Computer models represent physical and mathematical environments. They can also describe real life environments.

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physical development, social & moral development,