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The Dura, Arachnoid, and the Pia Mater (the meninges)

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Q: Which of these protect the spinal cord as it extends down the back from the medulla?
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Which of there protect the spinal cord as it extends down the back from the medulla?


Does the medulla house the backbone?

The backbone houses the spinal cord, and the spinal cord connects to the brain stem which includes the medulla. So no, the medulla does not house the backbone. If the backbone can be said to be housed in anything, it is housed in the back.

Which of these parts of the nervous system extends down the back?

spinal cord

What is the part of the central nervous system part that extends from the brain and down the middle of the back?

The spinal cord.

Who has a spinal column?

All animals with a spinal chord have a spinal column to protect it. The spinal column is often referred to as the "back bone", so only vertebrates have one.

What protect the spinal cord and support head and back?

The Vertebral Column (aka, the spine or backbone) protects the spinal cord and supports the head and back.

What does a vertebrate's backbone protect?

Back bone basically protects spinal cord .

Why spinal cord runs through middle of your back bone?

Because it have to send message to (CNS)

Scientific name of spinal cord?

The spinal cord is a long, thin, tubular bundle of nerves that is an extension of the central nervous system from the brain and is enclosed in and protected by the bony vertebral column (aka. the back bones). The main function of the spinal cord is transmission of neural inputs between the periphery (legs, arms, torso, etc) and the brain. In summary, the term spinal cord is correct medical/anatomical language. There is no better way of naming this structure of the body. I think all the person asked for is it's medical name and that is "myel-"

What anatomical characteristics prevent spinal cord injury as one severely bends his back in any direction?

The spinal column is a bony encasement made of movable discs, which protect the spinal cord but allow for movement. If the spine is bent too sharply the spinal column or spinal cord can be injured.

Why is back bone needed in your body?

1. so that you could move. 2. sp that you could holld your back up strait. 3. To protect your spinal cord.

What does the backbone protect?

The backbone, or spine, supports your back and body and helps you to walk.