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Logic and Reason should be used to solve social problems

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Q: Which of these statemnts would most likely be made by an enlightenment thinker?
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What would Enlightenment thinker John Locke most likely have agreed with?

People should earn their own power and wealth.

Which of these statements would Enlightenment thinker John Locke most likely have agreed with?

People should earn their own power and wealth.

What would an enlightenment thinker emphasize?

An enlightenment thinker will emphasize the need to question. They believe an ideal must be tested rather than simply accepted.

What statements would Enlightenment thinker John Locke most likely have agreed with?

John Locke believed in natural rights and that people could govern themselves.

What were enlightenment thinker looking for?

Simple laws that would explain human behavior

Would you rather have been a scientist during the scientific revolution or a political thinker during the enlightenment?

I think you would want to be both, like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.

Which of these statements would enightement thinker john Locke most likely have agreed with?

jean jacque rousseau

Why were the kings and queens all across Europe scared of the enlightenment?

They were scared because with ideas of the enlightenment they would most likely lose their power if some were to be carried out. The enlightenment period questioned power of the church, nobility and the monarchs.

How would you define a free thinker?

A free-thinker is someone who says what they think, and they dont care what everyone else says.

What at is the question that preesent the most challenge to a critical thinker?

The question that would present the most challenge to a critical thinker would be a question that does not require critical thinking, but rather feeling. A question that requires an emotional response from the heart and has no right or wrong answer would be difficult for a critical thinker.

What is a popular present day song that would represent a famous philosopher from the Enlightenment Period?

Enlightenment as in the Buddhist enlightenment? Aqueous transmission- by incubus.

How long do you have to go to school to become a paralegal?

you would have to be a high level thinker