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Q: Which of these terms is defined as the process of learning and applying the rules of a society?
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the process of learning one's culture and role in society?


What is the process of learning ones culture and role in society?


What term refers to the process of learning the rules of a society?


The process of teaching and learning a society's norms is called .?

The process of teaching and learning a society's norms is called socialization. This process involves internalizing values, beliefs, and behaviors that are considered acceptable and appropriate within a particular culture or society. Socialization helps individuals understand and adhere to the expectations of their community.

What is the term for the process of learning the rules of a society?


What is the term for the process of learning a person's role in society?

Socialization is the term for the process of learning a person's role in society, including norms, values, and behaviors. This process typically occurs through interactions with family, peers, educational institutions, and other social influences.

What are learning goals in a pluralistic society?

Learning goals in a pluralistic society are the educational aims established by a well-defined, multi-cultural group of stakeholders that take into consideration the diversity of their community and schools when they make ALL of their decisions regarding academics and activities in their school. C Washington

What is Learning to dress and speak and act like other Americans is called?

Assimilation is the process of adapting from one culture and language to that of the prevailing society.

What is status?

The position of an individual in relation to others in regard to social or professional standing the defined position or rank in a society a+

How would you describe education?

Education (also called learning, teachingor schooling) in the general sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another. Education can also be defined as the process of becoming an educated person.

What are the learning goals in a pluralistic society?

What_are_learning_goals_in_a_pluralistic_societyin a pluralistic society are the educational aims established by a well-defined, multi-cultural group of stakeholders that take into consideration the diversity of their community and schools when they make ALL of their decisions regarding academics and activities in their school.

How is social change properly defined?

Social change is an alteration of the way society is ordered, generally caused by a change in the thought process of that particular society. Some famous theories of social change include Marxism and Daoism.