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achmed the dead terrorist

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Alexander Pagac

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Q: Which of today's leaders lead the effort's for achieving justice for all people?
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Which of today's leaders lead the efforts for achieving justice for all people?

achmed the dead terrorist

Explanation on popular leaders rallied people to revolt and what the effects of these efforts were?

Many popular leaders have rallied people to revolt in an attempt to change the political landscape or structure of a country. The effects of these efforts were wide spread and resulted in many changes depending on their overall success rate.

What are the roots of environmental justice?

Environmental is arguably the main motivation for the movement itself. Although individuals can profit from these efforts, support is gained by tapping into people's sense of justice.

What are the social justice implications of classifying people according to race?

There are many social justice implications of classifying people according to race. By classifying people it may give them a sense of inferiority. If people have a sense of inferiority they may feel helpless and this may keep them from achieving everything that they would if they felt good about themselves.

What event was adressed at the Nuremberg trials?

The wholesale murder of millions of innocent and helpless Jewish people at the hands of evil,wicked people(the Nazi's).The trials were to bring the surviving Nazi leaders to Justice.

Why people are leaders?

Leaders tell peeps what to do

What was Socrates theory of justice?

Socrates believed that justice is the virtue of the soul, and that it involves fulfilling one's role or function in society. He argued that injustice arises from ignorance and that people should seek wisdom and understanding to cultivate a just character. Socrates also emphasized the importance of self-awareness and inner harmony in achieving a just society.

What should leaders do for their people?

Leaders should do things for their people that include protecting their people and creating an environment where people thrive. Leaders should also encourage their people to be the best that they can in everything that they do.

What does achieving a goal feel like?

Achieving a goal makes people feel happy. The feeling of achievement brings satisfaction and pride.

Is when people a not pulling on the same direction with you?

It means that others are not aligned with your goals, values, or efforts, hindering progress toward a common objective. This lack of unity can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and inefficiency in achieving shared goals. Effective communication and collaboration are essential to overcome this challenge.

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What are ways to achieving diversity?

Hire people of different backgrounds.