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the intestinal gland

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Q: Which of your glands starts working at the sight of food?
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What is slaiva?

it is a watery liquid secreted into the mouth by the salivary glands it helps with breakdown of food when it starts the process of digestion

Where does digestion occur in grasshoppers?

The digestion of a grasshopper starts at the mouth when food is consumed. The salivary glands partially digests the food and passes it to the gizzard for food grinding.

What digestive juice is made by glands in the mouth?

Salivary amylase, which starts the breakdown of carbohydrates Saliva, in your mouth helps with the grinding and digestion of carbohydrate food.

What glands produce a liquid that moistens food to help with swallowing?

salivary glands

What type of food do the salivary glands act on?

chued food

What are the working conditions for the chefs?

well its complicated it starts here number 1 you make the food number 2 you serve the food number 3 you get paid

What role do salivary glands play in digesting the food that you eat?

The Salivary Glands make saliva which moistens the food and helps the food to move through the Esophagus easily.

What are intrinsic salivary glands?

Intrinsic salivary glands, located throughout the mouth, keep the mouth moist, while Extrinsic salivary glands secrete serous, enzyme-rich saliva in response to ingested food and the thought of food.

How do the salivary glands tie in with the digestive system?

When you pop food into your mouth, the saliva glands moisten up the food when you are chewing it to help out the stomach in the digestive process.

How does a fish mucous glands protect it?

by getting food

What acid produced by glands to dissolved food?


How the digestive system starts?

In humans, digestion begins in the mouth where food is chewed and and swallowed with the assistance of the salivary glands.