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not getting enough calcium is one of the major causes for this. Make sure you get your recommended amount of dairy every day, which for the average adult can be 2-4 servings. This includes milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, etc.

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Q: Which one can lead to anemia and kidney failure?
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If you lose a kidney you can still survive and lead a normal life with one kidney because?

You can survive with one kidney because it can do the work of both! However, people living with one kidney have to be very cautious of their lifestyle choices as leading an unhealthy life would lead to kidney failure faster than a person with two kidneys.

Can aperson survive with only one kidney?

Yes. Many people donate a kidney to friends or family members that have kidney failure. The donor then has one kidney and probably the recipient has one functioning kidney.

If your kidney doesn't function can you get a kidney stone?

If your kidneys don't work, you get very ill, very quickly. Kidney stones are irrelevant in this connection. I have kidney failure and one of the first things that happened to me was I got kidney stones. I don't know if this is typical of kidney failure.

What to expect if you have kidney failure?

No problem. You have two kidneys with you. As blessed by GOD and human urinary is concerned another will be working stage in case of primary one is failure. And also not be panicked that you have lost one stock. It can be functional till death(Not by a kidney failure). So expect nothing but a more colorful world and furure is incarnated. Rajdeep

What can you do if your kidney fails?

People who have kidney failure, which is when 90% or more of the kidneys do not work, must be on dialysis. When kidneys fail the body cant cleanse the body of waste. The persons blood will become toxic and the person will die without dialysis or a kidney transplant. That's just with kidney failure. Of course you can live with only one kidney. Say you only had one kidney, that one kidney would have to be over 50% damaged before a person would possibly need to be on dialysis. To simply answer your question, you could have no problems with a damaged kidney, but failed kidneys will cause death.

Can kidney cancer cause chronic kidney failure?

Yes, kidney cancer can potentially lead to chronic kidney failure, although it is not a direct cause. Chronic kidney failure, also known as chronic kidney disease (CKD), is a progressive condition characterized by the gradual loss of kidney function over time. In cases where kidney cancer is diagnosed at an advanced stage or has spread to both kidneys, it can significantly impair kidney function and compromise their ability to filter waste products and excess fluids from the bloodstream. This can lead to a decline in kidney function and, if left untreated, may eventually result in chronic kidney failure. Furthermore, treatments for kidney cancer, such as surgery to remove part or all of the affected kidney (nephrectomy), radiation therapy, or chemotherapy, can also impact kidney function. While these treatments are necessary to manage kidney cancer, they can sometimes cause damage to the remaining healthy kidney tissue, leading to a further decline in kidney function over time. It's essential for individuals with kidney cancer to undergo regular monitoring of kidney function and to work closely with their healthcare team to manage any potential complications, including the risk of chronic kidney failure. Early detection and appropriate management of kidney cancer and its associated complications are key to preserving kidney function and overall health.

What disease affects the excretory system?

Kidney stones could be one malfunction. Also kidney failure.

Is kidney failure and kidney insufficiency mean the same thing?

Kidney failure is an acute stage, and can often be a secondary complication to another condition or situation, such as from a reaction to medication or from dehydration. Chronic kidney disease is a chronic illness. Acute kidney failure has a good chance of being 100% reversible if caught early. Chronic kidney disease is manageable with dialysis, but is not reversible.

Why do you smell amonia all the time?

One cause of smelling ammonia all the time could indicate kidney failure. Only a doctor can diagnose kidney failure or any other cause.

How do you treat kidney disease?

Chronic kidney disease is often treated with dialysis. It is manageable but not reversible.

How the mental state of a person who has only one kidney?

The presence of only one kidney should not change the mental status of a person, unless they have progressed to renal failure. In that case their kidney doesn't work and toxins are building up in the blood. In end stage renal failure, the person needs to be on dialysis.

What did Johnny Cook the gospel singer die of?

Johnny Cook died in 2000 of kidney failure.