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It doesn't really matter. If you're more comfortable with one and play better with it, go for it. Most non-classical Guitarists use plectrums, but there's no rule that says you can't play fingerstyle. Many bassists play fingerstyle as a matter of course.

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Q: Which one is better. playing the guitar with fingers or plectrum?
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Related questions

What do guitarists somrtimes use to play the strings of the guitar?

A small piece of plastic known as a plectrum

What is the small thing that people put on their hand when playing a guitar?

A guitar pick or plectrum.

How is the bass guitar played in rock music?

The bass guitar is a stringed instrument played primarily with the fingers or thumb or by using a plectrum.

What is the other name for a guitar pick?

A flatpick or plectrum

Do you need a plectrum for an acoustic guitar or can you do without?

er... yes. The electric guitar is played with fingertips, fingernails, individual fingerpicks or flat picks (plectra), and occasionally with other objects or body-parts. Jimi Hendricks, for instance, played his electric guitar with his teeth. Certainly, the majority of electric guitar playing is done with flat picks, fingerpicks, fingertips or fingernails. Usually, the choice is related to the type of playing: rhythm guitar players tend to plectrum use. Fingerstyle players tend to fingertips or fingernails. Some players mix, using a plectrum held with thumb and index finger, then adding additional plucks with the fingernails of the ring and middle finger, or using picks on those fingers! It is common for a beginning guitar student, especially on electric guitar, to start with a plectrum. This makes it easier to learn chord patterns with the left hand, without having to worry about finding individual strings with a choice of fingers in the right hand!

What is a real guitar picks name?


What do you call the striker of the guitar?

Plectrum. (sp)

What do guitarists use to play the strings of the guitar?


Is a guitar a toy?

The guitar isn't a toy. The guitar is a musical instrument.guitar a stringed musical instrument with a long, fretted neck, a flat,somewhat violinlike body, and typically six strings, which areplucked with the fingers or with a plectrum.

What part of speech is the word guitar?

It is a noun--a stringed musical instrument with a long, fretted neck, a flat, somewhat violinlike body, and typically six strings, which are plucked with the fingers or with a plectrum.

Which is better a nylon stringed or a steel stringed guitar?

They are quite different; so each has its advantages and disadvantages: The steel guitar is louder, the nylon strung is played without a plectrum and is easier to control.

Do people play Guitar Hero better with the guitar?

yes people play guitar hero better with the guitar its the whole point of the game and its easier to hit the notes with your fingers and you get a better feel for the game