

Which one is better C or c?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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it depends on what do you want to do.

C is a compiled language, which means that the source is compiled in an executable that run directly in the machine and Java is interpreted (it is compiled to a 'byte code' that the java vm reads and executes

this has several advantages and disadvantages

Java is cross-platform (works in many OS's)

you don't need to recompile the java app to get it to work in another platform

in C you have to recompile it in each platorm you want to run it

C is more efficient

because it's compiled.

Java is more a high-level language.

this means that there are lots of things that are made automatically for you (such as memory handling etc) that in C aren't.

this is an advantage and also a disadvantage, because in C you can control more accurately what your app does, increasing the efficiency, but it's hard.

Java is an object oriented language (has classes and all that)

I find it very useful to make big apps.

Java needs the interpreter to work

that means that if someone wants to run your app, he'll have to dl and install Java.

I prefer java, but each one has his pros and cons. it depends on what do you want to do:

Program algorithms, calculations etc: C is better

Other stuff: Java

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Look at it this way: C++ is a superset of C. C++ contains everythign that C does, plus more.

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