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Democracy in my opinion if you look towards the past you find dicatorship ending in bad economies. look at the old ussr they fell apart after the cold war i think china will have the same fait.

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2w ago

Democracy is generally considered better for ensuring individual freedoms, protecting human rights, promoting equality, and fostering peaceful transitions of power. Dictatorship, on the other hand, concentrates power in the hands of a single individual or small group, leading to potential abuses, lack of accountability, and limited freedoms for citizens.

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7y ago
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With the caveat that "pure" democracy is unworkable (every person cannot decide every policy), representative democracy is somewhat superior to an autocracy, even an enlightened one, because an autocracy tends to benefit its own members to the detriment of those not in power. Invariably, an autocracy will be challenged by the disenfranchised within a population.
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There is no scientific evidence to suggest that one race ages better than another. Aging is a natural process that is influenced by genetics, lifestyle factors, and environmental exposures. Each individual's aging process is unique to them.

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Ethnocentrism is the term that refers to the belief that one's own culture is superior to others. It involves using one's own cultural values and beliefs as a standard to judge and evaluate other cultures.

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Both women and men have unique strengths and capabilities. It is important to recognize and celebrate the differences between the genders without perpetuating harmful stereotypes or promoting superiority of one gender over another. Equality and respect for all individuals regardless of gender is key.

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The better game between RuneScape and World of Warcraft is subjective and depends on personal preferences. RuneScape is known for its unique quests and skill-based progression, while World of Warcraft offers a more traditional MMORPG experience with rich lore and a larger player base. It's recommended to try both games to see which one aligns better with your gaming preferences.

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You must be extremely talented with your hobby concept. It works for all new hobbies. Keep working at it and eventually you will get better at it one bit at a time depending on how much you practice a day, week etc.

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