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Both are correct, but go with the latter.

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Q: Which one is grammatically correct the medicine helped stop the vomiting or the medicine helped to stop the vomiting?
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Is it grammatically correct to say She helped the students reach the level of fluency and comprehension as accordance to their objective?

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No, as far as I know and remember, it's not the same likes. Maybe one of these might help: "The same interests" "The same fulfillments" "The same opinions" I hope I helped. (:

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The drug medicine that helped Europeans to survive the deadly tropical disease was benznidazole or nifurtimox.

What medicine helped Europeans survive deadly tropical diseases?

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I have taken Gatorade after my flu, vomiting and diarhea, it helped, but now i feel fine abut have lits fo flatuence bloating

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Dr. Phil Hope i helped (: SUCKA

How has the rainforest helped sciencce?

it provides plants that help you make medicine and invent cures! hope that helped you!

Who was the founder of scientific medicine?

Hippocrates was the founder of scientic medicine. I am glad that I helped. Oh, And I'm 100% right.