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A bass-guitar and an electric Bass Guitar is the same thing, unless you want to get technical and call it an acoustic bass guitar and an electric, whereas your answer would be electric (for a rock/alt./punk/metal band) ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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Q: Which one is more commonly used in a rock band guitar bass or an electric bass guitar?
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What instruments do the band play?

Electric Guitar, electric bass, drums, piano/keyboard, synthasizer, vocals

What is the difference between a electric bass and a electric guitar?

6 string guitar = treble electric bass= bass

Is the Fender Bass VI a Baritone Guitar?

It could be, but it is most commonly known as just a six string bass. it is a guitar with slightly thicker strings and tuned to sound like an electric bass guitar.

Which guitar is most popular electric bass or acoustic?

The electric bass. Probably the electric bass ^ Pfft. I wish. But the acoustic guitar is a LOT more popular than the electric bass. Many people have no idea what a bass guitar is!

Can you fit a bass guitar in an electric guitar case?

you can't because the neck of the bass guitar is to long for an electric guitar case.

Did the electric guitar come before the bass guitar?

Yes. The first electric guitar was on the market in 1932, the first electric bass guitar was on the market in 1935.

What is a full band on club penguin?

trumpet, drums, guitar (bass, acoustic,electric) and mabye tuba

How does the sound of electric guitars differ from bass guitars?

A bass guitar is really low sounding and the highest string on a bass guitar is the lowest on an electric guitar.

What instruments are on Aerosmiths song Cryin'?

- Piano - Electric Guitar - Rhthym Guitar - Bass Guitar - Drums

Is the electric bass considered a guitar or another instrument?

The bass is considered a guitar... That's why they call it "bass guitar"

Is an electric double bass better than an acoustic double bass?

For starters, a standard guitar has six strings, while a bass guitar usually has only four (there are five and even six-string models for advanced styles.) Regarding the sound and role of the instruments, the guitar is in a higher register than the bass guitar, and is more commonly used as the lead instrument in a band than the bass (there are some exceptions to this). The bass guitar, as the name suggests, is in a lower register and is most frequently part of the rhythm section of a band. Again, many genres of music do incorporate bass leads, such as funk (Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers), Alternative/Metal (Les Claypool of Primus) and jazz fusion (Jaco Pastorius) styles. An electric bass guitar is simply a bass with the electronic anatomy of an electric guitar. Like a six-string electric guitar, an electric bass guitar uses magnetic pickups to "pick up" the vibrations created by the strings and send the sound signal to an amplifier. Effects may also be used to alter the sound quality of the signal. Well a bass has a low sound electric has to be played with an amp and guitar acoustic can be played any where In theory a bass and a guitar both have a vital role in a band and even though the guitar is looked up to more by people do not let this put you of learning the bass, as there are way too many guitar players to bassists ratio.

What instruments are used in stayin alive?

Acoustic guitar Electric Guitar Bass Percussion Keyboards