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Q: Which one lays eggs and does not produce young ones directly?
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It depends on the type of octopus but it could be up to 1500 babies.

Does a scorpion give birth to young?

No,it lays eggs

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live young

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A skitle bat has sex and lays eggs

Are fish young born in eggs?

Yes they are. The female lays eggs, then the male fertilizes them.

How does a butterfly raise a young?

It doesn't look after its young, she lays her eggs then leaves then so she can go and make more eggs

Do coral snakes have their young in eggs or live?

They have them in eggs as do most snakes (pit vipers do not). The coral snake lays 2-3 eggs a clutch in the summer.

How do brown trouts produce youngs?

the female lays the eggs then the male drops the sperm on them... thats one out of three ways they produce eggs.

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The female penguin lays eggs. Then the baby penguins hatch from the eggs.

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They are born live.

What makes an echidna different from other mammals?

It lays its young in eggs.

Does a tiger produce eggs?

no.because tiger is mammalian lays egg.