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Small particles move faster across the membrane.

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Q: Which one moves faster across the cell membrane the large or the small?
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It depends on what is moving across the membrane. Some molecules use transport proteins and the cell would need those embedded in the membrane. Water doesn't need them and it freely moves in and out.

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it moves large molecules or molecules that are not soluble in lipids across across the cell membrane. (Pg. 101 in science book...1st para.)

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Material moves from the respiratory system to the circulatory system by diffusing across a membrane in the air sacks called alveoli.

What role do carrier protein play in facilitated diffusion?

it moves large molecules or molecules that are not soluble in lipids across across the cell membrane. (Pg. 101 in science book...1st para.)

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What is the proccess by which water moves across a cell's membrane?

Passive diffusion.

What is the process which water moves across the cells membrane?

The water moves from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration across the semi permiable membrane using osmosis.

A non-energy requiring process that moves materials across a cell membrane with the concentration gradient.?

The process of moving materials across the cell membrane without the expenditure of energy is called passive transfer