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Q: Which one of the following food contamination is usually associated with undercooked chicken?
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What food contamination's is usually associated with undercooked chicken?

Salmonella is the food contamination usually associated with undercooked chicken

Which food contamination is associated with undercooked chicken?


Which contamination is usually associated with undercooked chicken?


Is chicken tough because its overcooked or undercooked?

Chicken is tough when it is overcooked, not undercooked. It may also be chewy. Undercooked chicken tends to be rather spongy.

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Which one of the following situation would most likely promote bacterial contamination?

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touching raw chicken then cooked chicken with the same gloves

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Which food contamination is usually associated with undercooked chicken?

Yes, among others. Salmonella bacteria can cause food poisoning. Symptoms include diarrhea, stomach cramps and sometimes vomiting and fever. Symptoms usually last for four to seven days.You usually get salmonella by eating contaminated food. Salmonella bacteria live in the gut of many farm animals and can affect undercooked meat, raw eggs, undercooked poultry and raw milk.It should be noted that eating cookie dough that has raw eggs in it and eating "over easy" eggs are a real risk.

Is a chicken undercooked if there is blood inside?

YES it totally is!!

Why does chicken look undercooked in campbell's chicken noodle soup?

Because you are supposed to microwave or reheat it to their instructions, and this completes the cooking process.