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Q: Which one of the following routines measures the amount of memory used by a data structure?
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What instrument measures the amount of air in your lungs?

A spirometer measures the amount of air in lungs

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Amplitude measures the amount of particle vibration.

What measures the amount of space an object takes up?

This measurement is called volume.

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What weather instrument measures in inches?

A rain gauge measures in inches because it collects and measures the amount of precipitation that has fallen in an area.

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The biconcave structure is the "lens, but his focuses the light, it does not adjust for the amount of light. The structure that adjusts for the amount of light entering the eye is the "iris"

What does a rain gauge measures?

a rain gauge measures the amount of rain, snow, or any liquid that falls from the skyThe rain gauge measures the amount of water, snow or any liquid that falls from the sky, to view the water level

What measures the amount of matter?

Mass. Definition: The amount of space an object takes up.

What is the measure of the amount of object or material?

Mass measures the amount of matter in an object or material.

What are SI units and their importances in the world?

There is the meter, that measures distance.There is the kilogram, which measures mass.There is the candela, which measures luminous intensity.There is the second, which measures time.There is the mole, which measures amount of substance.There is the Kelvin, which measures temperature.And there is the ampere, which measures electrical current.

A measures the amount of rainfall that has occurred?

rain gauge

What does a fyrite device do?

It measures the amount of carbon dioxide.