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pia matter

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Q: Which one of the membranes might be found closely adhering to the sheep brain?
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Which membranes might be found closely adhering to the sheep brain?

Pia matter

Which membrane is found closely adhering to the sheep brain?

The membrane found closest to the brain is the pia mater. The next layer is the arachnoid mater, followed by the Dura mater which is closest to the skull.

Where are meninges found?

membranes that protect the brain and spinal cord

What cells are found in membranes?

Membranes surround cells. There are no cells found in membranes. Membranes are composed mostly of lipids.

What does the term brain coral mean?

Brain coral is simply a type or coral that is closely knit to resemble the look of a brain. This coral can be found in coral reefs all over the world.

What is your old brain?

The cerebellum is sometimes called the "ancient brain" or "primitive brain". The reason is that structures homologous to the cerebellum are found in animals that are not at all closely related to the primates. From this we conclude that the cerebellum evolved very early, and was inherited from very early ancestors.

What elements is found In all membranes?

carbon is found in all organic materials from phospholipid bilayers (cell membranes) to chloroplasts also hydrogen

Are plasma membranes only found in plant cells?

no animal cells also have plasma membranes

What is the major lipid found in membranes?


Are phospholipds only found in cell membranes?


Where are Mycoplasma found?

Mycoplasma are found most often on the surfaces of mucous membranes

Where are lipids located?

Lipids are found in the cell membranes.