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Q: Which one of these is a minor party in the US today?
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What is any party that has less support than one of the major political parties in the US is?

Any party that has less support than one of the major political parties in the United States is known as a minor party.

What was the Federalist Party?

The Federalist Party was one of the first two political parties organized after adoption of the US constitution. It was the party in favor of a strong central government. During the War of 1812, it was the party in opposition to the war. It finally ceased to exist in 1856, although it had been a minor player for some years before that.

Minor parties in the us have usually been organized around?

Minor parties, or third parties as they are usually called, are candidate based parties like the George Wallace's American Independence party. They are usually organized around an ideology.

What are the names of the two major political parities in the US today?

The Democratic party (President Obama and V.P Joe Biden) and the Republican party (Governor Romney and Paul Ryan)

Which type of minor party has been most successful in winning votes?

Theodore Roosevelt's Progressive (aka Bull Moose) party was by-far the most successful third party. They won more votes in 1912 than the Republicans did. However, they only lasted for that one election so their overall success can be questioned. The American Party (Know-Nothings) lasted about 15 years, won some seats in Congress and may have tipped the 1848 presidential election to Taylor. The Republicans started out as a third party but soon became a major party.

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Any party that has less support than one of the major political parties in the US is a?

minor party

What is any party that has less support than one of the major political parties in the US is?

Any party that has less support than one of the major political parties in the United States is known as a minor party.

What type of minor party has probably the greatest influence on US public policy?

factional party

How are the politics of US affected by minor parties?

minor parties change election results by pulling votes from major party candidates?

What are the 2 majior political parties in the us today?

The tea party and the republican party.

Since it became clear within a few years of ratifying the Constitution that American politics would be a multi-party system how many party system did the US become?

Parties in US PoliticsThe United States became mainly a two-party system of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, though other parties have emerged from time to time. Today, there are several minor parties that include The Libertarian Party, The Constitution Party, the Green Party, and possibly others.

Is there a Federalist Party today in the US?

No there isn't. The Federalist Party died out over 175 years ago.

Is there a political Aryan movement in the US today?

It's called the Republican Party.

How do minor parties affect American politics?

Minor parties take votes away from the candidates of other parties.

Can a minor who is an illegal alien become a us citizen if she gives birth in the us?

No, but her child will be one.

Are there still people who strongly support the Whig Party in the US today?

Only Hipsters who do so ironically.

How old is the Democratic Party in the US?

The "Democratic" party we know today dates from the 1800's, so does the Republican. Lincoln was the first Republican president in 1860.