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They will both float. TT Cullen:)

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Q: Which one will float diet Coca-Cola or just regular Coca-Cola?
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Is diet soda healthier for your bones than regular soda?

no it just eats your organs like regular

Is it ok to have diet cokes when your on a diet?

Most likely not. Diet cokes may claim to be healthier than regular coke, but they dehydrate you just as much as regular cokes do. They also typically have the same amounts of sugar.

What is meant by diets for women?

Diets for women is just another way of specifying a diet for women. Its really no different from a normal diet. Its just like a regular diet just without some things that involves meat.

Which type of soda has more fizz diet or regular?

Diet pepsi has more fizz then regular pepsi because diet pepsi has more chemicals then regular pepsi does.Diet pepsi has more chemicals because it has more acid then regular pepsi.Diet pepsi also has more carbonation then regular pepsi.

What is in diet soda than just soda?

Both regular soda and diet soda are sweetened, but diet soda is sweetened with artificial sweetener and thus has few or no calories.

Is diet pepsi fizzer than regular pepsi?

They are equal, because diet pepsi just reduces the caffeine and calories, not carbonation. Carbonation is how fizzy it is.

Where can I find out more about no grain diet?

The no-grain diet seems to be just another extreme diet fad. Most regular doctors will agree that extreme diets are extremely unhealthy unless your on them for a medical reason, and under the close supervision of your regular physician. You can find out more information about this diet at

Does diet soda have more gas than normal soda?

No, it has less gas than normal soda. I just did an experiment at school where we measured the gas content of different soda brands and the regular, diet, and diet-caffeine free versions of the sodas. Regular had the most and diet-caffeine had the least.

When you mix soda and Mentos why does diet go higher?

diet doesn't go higher, it just doesn't leave a sticky mess like regular cola does.

Are diet sodas ok to drink if you are on a diet If no why not?

A lot of people claim that drinking diet sodas give you the craving for real sodas but this is not true in my opinion. I've dieted in the past and really, really crave for a coke and want to give in then just go for the diet one because it isn't loaded with sugars. The only downside of these diet sodas are the very high amounts chemicals in it. But if you're on a diet and you had been given the choice between a diet coke or a regular coke then go for the diet coke. Remember; Water > diet > regular

What will cause more weight gain diet pop or regular?

Regular pop is sweetened with sucrose and / or high fructose corn syrup and so will have more calories than diet pop. However, the sweeteners in diet pop still give you a taste for sweet things so you may end up eating just as many calories in the rest of your diet.

What is the dicussion with diet soda floating and regular soda not?

Well, it is affected by how much sugar is in a normal soda compared to a diet. But, the sugars are about the same its just that the diet sodas have fake sugar in them. There has beenbig fights about whether a diet soda is healthier. I personally just take normal soda only once in a while instead of everyday.