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put it in a freezer

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Q: Which one would keep water warmer for a longer amount of time a glass jar or thermos?
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Can a thermos or glass cup keep liquids hotter longer?

This will depend upon the Thermos, but in general a thermos will keep hot liquids hotter for longer. This is because the Thermos has stronger insulating properties.

Is a thermos good after 20 years?

Can be, if the vacuum is good. In glass thermos if the glass is not broken it is okay. In steel thermos if the vacuum has not been lost it will be. You can test a steel thermos by simply filling it with boiling water, if the outside of the thermos becomes hot the vacuum has been lost and one will need a new thermos.

Which type of container keeps liquids hotter longer a thermos a bowl a glass cup a sandwich container or a cooking pot?

A flask :)

What is the typical thermos made of?

I contacted the Thermos Consumer Line at 1-800-831-9242 and asked the rep. where Thermos products are made. She told me Thermos products are made in China. So there you have it.

Is a mug a bad heat insulator?

Yes. Out of paper, plastic, glass, a thermos, a mug, and Styrofoam, the mug held the least heat in. The thermos is the best.

What is the use of double layered glass in a thermos flask?

To see through :0

Why would a candle burn longer in the open other than in a glass jar?

If the glass jar is sealed, there is a limited amount of oxygen within it. Fire uses oxygen to stay alive. Once it uses up the limited amount of oxygen in the glass jar, it can no longer sustain flame. However, in the open, there is a theoretically unlimited amount of oxygen.

What type of cup will keep a drink warmer?

a type of cup that will keep a drink warmer is a thermos, you can get them in many different sizes (cup sizes). they can be found in any household goods stores even woolworths.

What is a thermos bottle made out of?

Traditionally, Thermos bottles used borosilicate glass for the vacuum insulator, with a plastic or metal envelope. Modern Thermoses are typically made entirely of steel.

What is happening when water droplets appear on the outside of a cold glass of water?

The air has moisture (water dissolved in the air). The amount of air that can be carried in the air depends on the temperature. Warmer air can hold more water in it than cold air. When the cold glass is exposed to the air, the air touching the glass gets cold, is no longer able to hold as much water and the water in the air condenses (comes out of solution) on to the outside of the glass.

Why black color for cooling glass?

for a cooling glass? black should not be used for anyhing needed to be cool/cold. black is designed to absorb all light and reflect non of it. hence the color black. as such anything inside would be warmer by nature. a white/clear glass is designed to reflect a near optimum amount of light and absorb little meaning the item inside remains colder longer.

Is the silver used inside the thermos toxic?

What looks silver in a glass thermometer is actually mercury, which is toxic.