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If you mean where the sperm is produced it's in the balls

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Q: Which organ in sperm the male sex cells are produced?
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What are the cells formed in the male reproductive organ?

your answer is sperm

What are sex cells from male reproductive organ?

They are called sperm.

Which organ produces sperm in a male?

Egg cells are produced in the Ovaries of the Female reproductive system.

How many sperm are inside you?

Sperm cells can be produced during the lifetime of a male. Thus, there's different amounts of sperm cells in a male's testes all the time.

What organ produses sperm?

They are produced in testis. Testis are male reproductive organ

What organ produce special reproductive cells in male body?

The testes, or testicals, produce sperm cells.

What organ produces special reproductive cells in the male body?

The testes, or testicals, produce sperm cells.

How is a sperm produced?

Through meiosis (the division of sex cells in the male and female)

What is the difference between sperm cells and seminal fluid?

sperm cells are the male reproductive cells produced from testes, where as the other is the liquid produced from seminal vesicle which is a liquid containing protein and food essential for the survival of sperm. it is the liquid where sperm remains swimming.

Compare the processes of sperm and egg production in terms?

where each process occurs: sperm: in the male gonads(means sex organ)called the testes egg; in the female gonads called the ovaris the relative #s of gametes(sex cells) produced by each process: sperm:4 sex cells are produced in equal size egg:4 sex cells are produce but they are unequal in size

What type of cells are produced in the male reproductive system of a sexually reproducing organism?


What is the male sex cells produced in?

They are produced in testis.Testis are located outside from body