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Dialysis irs required when the kidney no longer function correctly and the dialysis cleans an organ called "The Blood",.

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Q: Which organ is affected due to dialysis?
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How does dialysis affect a person's quality of life and what is an alternative other than dialysis?

Dialysis affects a persons quality of life as it makes it harder for them to excercise and work properly. One of the alternatives to dialysis are that the patitant can go on the organ waiting list in hope of eventually getting the new organ needed. :-) Hope this helped you with what you needed to know.

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That will vary from disease to disease and organ to organ.

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What else can be done instead of a transplant?

Depending on which organ, either medication or in the case of kidney, dialysis.

When is dialysis needed?

Generally during organ failure, namely the Kidneys.

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