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Q: Which organ is damaged if you do not eat enough fiber?
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Which organ is damaged if you eat too much fat?

heart or lung

Why do you have secretions from your anus?

because you do not eat enough fiber

Why don't Americans get enough fiber?

The typical foods that Americans tend to eat do not provide very much fiber.

Why do people get constipation?

One reason is they don't eat enough fiber and don't drink enough water.

If you dont eat enough much fiber foods what would happen?


Why is it that you can eat all the daily requirements of fruits and vegetables and fiber and still am constipated?

You must also eat enough oil and drink enough water.

What will happen if you never eat veggies?

You won't get enough nutrients and fiber and you couldn't survive that long

Should human poo have lots of fiber?

Not lots. You should just eat enough roughage to stay regular.

What pizza toppings are good sources of fiber?

Onions and green peppers might be... but you have to eat them instead of the pizza.If pizza toppings are making a significant contribution to your daily fiber intake, you are not getting anywhere near enough fiber.

Can you eat wood and be ok?

Strangely enough, yes. In the 1970s a bakery introduced Fresh Horizons bread, which was "low-calorie, high-fiber." We later learned that the fiber was wood pulp.

What is the one most important thing that you can do to benefit your health?

The most important things that you can do to benefit your health, are to eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. And Fiber, I cannot stress enough getting plenty of fiber.

Is a fiber supplement better than eating more fiber food?

You can use it in combination with eating fiber rich foods. Sometimes it's not so practical to take in the fiber rich foods at work or at a business meeting. A fiber supplement can add in more fiber and you can often add it to a drink or to oatmeal or other foods. If you find you can't eat enough fiber daily, you may want to buy a fiber supplement.