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The Lungs

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Q: Which organ supplies a human's bloodstream with oxygen from the air which can then be taken through the blood to the muscle cells of the arm?
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What organ supplies a persons bloodstream with oxygen which can then be taken through the blood to the muscle cells of the arm?

The Heart

What organ supplies a human's bloodstream with oxygen from the air which can then be taken through the blood to the muscle cells of the arm?

The lungs

Which organ supplies a human's bloodstream with oxygen from the air, which can then be taken through the blood to the muscle cells of the arm?

The lungs supplies the bloodstream with oxygen. When we breathe in, out lungs fill with oxygen and that oxygen is taken to the heart to keep our body going.

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The path followed by the blood when it supplies and drains the heart muscle

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Muscle, and gravity

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muscle length is the length of an animal or humans muscle

How does a calf get blackleg?

When the calf is not vaccinated for Clostridium spp.. The bacteria are ingested, pass through the wall of the GI tract, and after gaining access to the bloodstream through capillaries joined to the GI tract, are then deposited in muscle and other tissues.

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smooth muscle

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radial nerve

Are elephant muscle cells larger than humans muscle cells?

Yes, because they are bigger than humans.

What animals help to build the great pyramids?

Humans for the most part, although supplies were occasionally delivered by other animals such as donkeys and oxen.