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Q: Which organelle can use the energy of visible light to help convert CO2 and H2O?
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Why are there no substances that convert visible light into UV?

UV has higher energy (per photon) than visible light.

The only cell organelle that is capable of converting light energy into chemical energy?

CHLOROPLASTS trap light energy and convert it into the chemical bond energy of sugar.

How visible light and infrared energy warms earth?

by absorbing them and convert heat

What organelle uses light energy to make glucose?

Chloroplasts in plants, they convert light energy and store it as sugar (sucrose).

What organelle coverts light energy in chemical energy?

The organelle is the chloroplast.

Why is there no substance that convert visible light to UV?

UV photons have more energy (less wavelength, higher frequency) than visible light photons. It is possible to convert photons to ones with less enery, but not the opposite.

How you convert other rays into visual rays?

If you mean how to convert energy (such as from the sun) that is not visible into visible light; the energy (photons) must interact with something that converts them. For example fluorescent materials (those bright "Dayglow" vests that road workers wear so that they will be seen) convert a portion of the ultraviolet (wavelengths of light that are too short and energetic to be seen with our eyes)into visible light. There are some advanced special materials that can convert infra red (wavelengths of light that are too long to be seen with our eyes)into visible but they are uncommon and expensive.

What is the job of a light bulb?

The job of a light bulb is to convert electrical energy into visible light energy. (Not ALL of the electrical energy a bulb uses is converted to light energy. Their efficiency is quite low. An incandescent light bulb is more efficient as a heater than as a source of visible light. Fortunately, our eyes are very sensitive.)

How is visible light convert to infrared in greenhouse effect?

Visible light heats the earth and the earth emits infrared energy which is absorbed by green house gases that trap the heat.

What energy does visible light have?

Typical light bulbs convert electrical energy into light and heat energy. The light (visible, IR and some UV) radiates away. Some we can see. The bulb heats up. This heat energy is radiated away and -- if it's not in a vacuum -- the heat is also carried away by convection.

What organelle in the plant cell can take light energy and convert it to food?

The chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis - which creates glucose with the aid of sunlight.

Does electromagnetic energy transfer to light energy?

It isn't clear to me what you mean with "transfer to". In any case, visible light IS electromagnetic radiation. There is no need to transfer or convert anything.