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It is mitochondrion.

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Q: Which organelle generates most of the energy the cell needs to function and stay alive?
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No. "Organelle" means "little organ". An organelle is like a little organ inside of a cell that does specific things to keep the cell alive.

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Animals need food to stay alive because food gives them nutrients and energy. Nutrients and energy are both important because they help the bodies of animals function.

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The chloroplast is responsible for photosynthesis.

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The function that keeps your you alive.

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because you need energy to power you're organs and muscles to stay alive (not eating does not cause quick weight loss it means you're body will no longer function correctly)

What would happen if a cell didn't have an organelle?

cells wouldint be alive for all the entire life.

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What carries out an activity for a cell and keeps it alive?

It takes the entire cell to preform the necessary activities.

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