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In animal cells, the organelle that has its own DNA is mitochondria. However the main DNA and chromosomes are located in the nucleus of the cell which are responsible for cellular reproduction. In plant cells the plastids as well as mitochondria has DNA but in this case also the nucleus has the main DNA. It should be noted that plastids are prsent only in the plant cells

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Q: Which organelle is used to store chromosomal DNA?
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Is DNA An organelle?

No. DNA is store in the nucleus which is an organelle but the DNA specifically is not considered an organelle

Is DNA considered an organelle?

gene is not an organelle but is a fragment of DNA with a specific expression or product in cell funtion

What organelle also stores DNA?

The nucleus contains most of the DNA in a cell and this DNA is called the chromosomal DNA. It is separated from the rest of the cell by a double layer of membrane. The mitochondria also contain DNA, called the mitochondrial DNA.

What are plasmid genes?

A plasmid is an extra chromosomal DNA molecule separate from the chromosomal DNA which is capable of replicating independently from the chromosomal DNA I think this is far use.

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+other than chromosomal DNA is known as extra chromosomal DNA like plasmids, mitochondria and chloroplast containing DNA.

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Circular extra genomic DNA is called?

A circular band of DNA that exists separate of chromosomal DNA is called a plasmid. Plasmids reside within bacteria cells and can replicate independently of the chromosomal DNA.

Why chromosomal analysis is needed for bone marrow and fragile X-syndrome determination?

"Chromosomal analysis" should not be used for Fragile X Syndrome determination. Chromosomal analysis, Karotyping, has proven unreiable in diagnosis. Detemination can be made through DNA testing for Fragile X Syndrome, FMR1 DNA test.

How are chromosomal DNA and mitochondrial DNA inherited differently?

Chromosomal DNA is inherited from both parents via the egg and the sperm. Since Spermatozoa do not any Mitochondria you get all of your Mitochondria DNA from the Egg. IE your Mum.

Which membrane bound organelle is used to store nucleic acids within a eukaryotic cell?

The nucleus is the holder of DNA, while RNA is present throughout the cytoplasm of the cell.

What is the difference between plasmid and episomes?

Plasmid DNA is an extra-chromosomal DNA molecule, it cannot link up with chromosomal DNA, and it contains the genetic informations that are necessary for its own replication. Episomes is any kind of extra-chromosomal DNA that can link up with chromosomal DNA. That is the main difference between them two. Episomes are usually larger than other extra-chromosomal DNA. An example of episome are the viruses, because they intergrate their genetic material into the host's chromosomal DNA.The only difference between the plasmid and the episome is the integration i-e plasmid can not integrate while episome can integrate into the genome.